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Wedding Bouquet


provides customized, personal wedding celebrations for all


Suzanne & Matty getting married with karen officiating

Suzanne + Matty

"We so appreciated working with Karen! We are especially grateful for her flexibility as we planned, re-planned, and re-planned again for our wedding during the pandemic. Our ceremony felt so special and made the biggest part of our day so memorable!"

Emily & Michael getting married with karen officiating

Emily + Michael

"Our wedding day wouldn't have been successful without Karen's organization and collaboration. She went above and beyond what we ever expected. Karen made our ceremony powerful and alive with color. Our guests were pouring out compliments at her ability to tell our love story." 

travis and brandyn holding marriage license with karen machlica officiant

Travis + Brandyn

"Karen took the time to really get to know us as a couple in the year leading up to our wedding and was instrumental in helping us craft a personal ceremony that we will remember forever.  Aside from picking each other, choosing Karen as our celebrant was the next best decision we made!"

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